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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors mandate is to protect and enhance Motor City’s assets and is responsible for ensuring Motor City has a clear, strategic direction. The Board of Directors goal is to serve and protect the best interest of the Members and stakeholders. It is further responsible for overseeing Management to ensure that operations are managed according to sound business standards.

The Board of Directors of Motor City is the decision-making team behind your credit union. Simply stated, the Board determines where we’re going, that we know how to get there, and that we follow the rules along the way.

As a member you can help shape the Board by exercising your right to vote in branch or electronically. You can also become a candidate for the Board yourself. We encourage all our members to actively participate in the democracy of our financial co-operative, whether through voting or becoming a Director. Having a Board that is elected by members is one of our key differences. Our Board of Directors are dedicated volunteers. They oversee and are ultimately responsible for our strategic and financial planning/performance, compliance with legislation and regulations and the satisfaction of members, staff and other stakeholders.

Board Member - Bill Marra

Bill Marra


Board Member - Don Fraser

Don Fraser

Vice Chair

Board Member - Wendy Graat

Wendy Graat

Corporate Secretary

Board Member - Stephane Boucher

Stephane Boucher


Board Member - Michael Celuch

Michael Celuch


Board Member - Randy Dupuis

Randy Dupuis


Board Member - Cameron Crowder

Cameron Crowder


Board Member - Egidio Sovran

Egidio Sovran


Board Member - Richard Vennettilli

Richard Vennettilli


Board Member - Amy Wolters

Amy Wolters


Corporate Reports

Learn more about Motor City Community Credit Union's commitment to our members by reading our past Annual Reports and accompanying financial statements.



Are you interested in becoming a Motor City Director?

Motor City is a Member-Owned, democratic co-operative organization. As such, once a year, our Member-Owners elect Directors. Each member gets one vote, regardless of the number of shares they own. One person, one vote means to control, and the direction of the Credit Union is not based on the financial resources of a few members but on the needs of the entire membership.

Who can be a Board member?

All Motor City Members who meet the qualifying criteria may participate in Board elections by seeking nomination and running for the Board.

Motor City requires that Directors have a reasonable level of financial understanding and rate firmly in the core competencies set by 2021-001 Sounds Business and Financial Practices Rule. Leadership skills, management experience, and a background in IT or Strategic Planning would be desirable.

What is the role of the Board?

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that Motor City operates safely and prudently, ensuring adherence to sound business and financial practices standards, policy formulation, setting the Mission, Vision and Values, and approving the Credit Union's strategic direction.

What does it take to become a member of the Board?

Members wishing to be considered as a candidate for Motor City's Board of Directors need to complete the current year's Board of Directors Candidate Nomination Package available at your Branch or online during the nomination period.

Applications for 2025 nominations end April 23rd, 2025